The First Movie in 3 Years

Miah and Maliah finally reached an age of maturity that allows them to “almost” sit still for an entire movie.

They were begging to see “The LORAX”, but eventually they got bored and started climbing the walls. Maybe they prefer a good Terminator movie like daddy.

Anyway. We will try again soon. At least they were not crying and screaming like some of those rude children 🙂

Actually I’m wrong. We have seen a movie since the girls were born. “We saw Benjiman Buttons” while Mommy was still with child, and then we left them with Granny and took Aunt Alma and Aunt Cronicle to see “Precious”. What a treat that was.

Pattin’ My Weave

   This is just plain funny. Today’s weave culture trickles down into the minds of babes…